We need your help naming our characters. So we're giving away a set of six EZ sox to incentivie you to get creative and spread the word. Here's the idea:
1. Check out the photos of our characters (dog, cat, pig, frog, bear, rabbit) at http://www.ezsox.com/
2. Name a character (you can pick one or name them all). The more creative you get, the better. Tell us about the characters personality. Are they shy? Do they have super powers? Ask your kids if they have any fun or wacky ideas to add to your entry.
3. Twitter or Blog about the EZ Sox contest and your entry idea.
4. Join us on Blogger, Twitter, Facebook and/or Twitter Moms.
5. Sign our guest book and tell us all about it (don't forget to share your twitter, blog, etc. activity).
6. Get your friends and follower to sign our guest book in support of your entry, or they can submit their own ideas.
7. If we select your idea(s), we'll send you a set of six EZ Sox.
Look forward to hearing from you.
I am a dog named Beetle. I was given the name Beetle cause I am so close to the ground (can't get much closer than this), if I'm not careful I could get squashed. I have to be alert all the time. The best thing I do is keep my best friends toes nice and warm. I don't like to get dirty since I have to leave my best friend for awhile while I go into that mean old machine that tosses me around and around. I get so dizzy in there and soaking wet. You know what a wet dog smells like? But then, thats not the worst part. I get put into another machine that is awful as I get dizzier yet. My best friend and I are so happy when we can be back together!